Sun Moon Mirror
3 inch double sided
Sun Moon Mirrors are used as a powerful cure in BTB Feng Shui. This particular mirror is double sided, the Sun side is dotted with the red mark and has been carefully exposed to 24 hours of sunlight. The moon side has been meticulously subjected to 24 hours of moon light. These mirrors were created by Renata and required a full attention to sun and moon observations as no cloudy days, sun side absorbing moon light and moon side absorbing sun light are permitted! Sun Moon mirrors are very powerful tool in Feng Shui and can be used for many adjustments. Upon purchase of the mirror you will receive a list with the information on how to use your Sun Moon Mirror. Purchase of this mirror requires 9 red envelopes.
This mirror can be used in nine unusual ways:
- Carry the mirror for protection against harmful energy during Feng Shui Consultation.
- Place the mirror Sun side up under your mattress, under the pillow side for clarity.
- Place the mirror Moon side up under your mattress, under the pillow side to clear cluttered mind.
- Shine the mirror in every room of a building with difficult predecessor Chi.
- Carry the mirror in your handbag or briefcase for personal protection.
- Carry the mirror to court during legal disputes.
- Use the mirror to energetically bring back missing areas of the Bagua in your home.
- Attach the mirror on the ceiling above your head to your desk to bring clarity and focus to your career.
- Use the mirror to strengthen your personal energy to bring more wisdom and clarity.
Please use this mirror to bring positive energy to your future endeavors.
Since this product is personally created and intended for specific Feng Shui use by its purchaser it is NOT RETURNABLE OR REFUNDABLE.
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